More Colour...


Tusen hjertelig takk for kjempekoselige kommentarer
på påskeinnleggene mine.
Litt annerledes innlegg, med tanke på farger i hvertfall,
enn hva jeg vanligvis pleier å vise.
Men jeg kjenner at det er deilig å avvike litt fra
det som "er Nicco".
Og det gjør jeg forsåvidt i dette innlegget også,
på fredag skal vi ha foreldrefest og borddekkingen er "mitt bord".
Jeg kjenner det er viktig å utfordre seg selv litt...
...ja igjen; når det kommer til farger!
Jeg vil bruke noen Glimmermister jeg har;
hva det er kan du lese om HER
Og da ble fargene gul og rosa valgt,
så med det utgangspunktet var det bare å finne
matchende ting da!!!
Jeg har laget meg et lite moodboard;

Har tenkt på ranukler til dette, men kanskje det blir veeeel mye farger,
ja ja, jeg får se hva jeg finner på butikken på torsdag.

God natt, klem Nicco

1 kommentarer:

Sac Hermes Evelyn | tirsdag, mai 08, 2012

p / p p small S belly like baskets of video is actually difficult to assist / p p p / p Little S , when his mother ! Around 9:30 pm on November 24 , alongside his family , small S again caesarean section for a daughter , husband Mike and her in-laws within the small S , Xu mother , sister as well as big S accompanied Sac Hermès Evelyn GM. p / p p br It will be reported that small S, the assembly process very well , the little one weighs 2920 grams , Xu mother described the little one hair black , some natural volume, hand length , foot length , and delivered the infant prior to a small S , also offers a model figure belonging to the infant community . Mike to get a baby name , Lily , would be the word lily Sac Hermès Evelyn TPM. Lily's Chinese name should bide time until discussion in order to make a decision . / p p br S in pre-production were reluctant to caesarean section or natural childbirth , talk to your doctor opt for tire associated with a wound after Caesarean section Sac Hermès Evelyn PM. Over the production process of small S , Mike, and massive S continues to be accompanied from the delivery room with your ex-girlfriend , Mike from beginning to end clasped the hands of the small S . Eagerly waiting away from delivery room , Mrs. Hsu , a minute S -laws and sister-in-law in the door heard the baby's crying , pleased gho6ss9. Right out of the delivery room needing her in-laws , mother , sister-in-law is speculation how the weight of the child , the very last sister to guess the volume of the closest to win Hermès magasiner. Xu mom and S 's parents lose , but individuals were thrilled right after the production little S combined with Mike admitted with the hospital's monthly child center . it is actually understood that S will rest for that month or so , and Lily born , little S stomach like deflated balloons , Mrs Hermès sortie. Hsu declared that soon a minute S can restore the devil figure, in order to meet together with you / p p [author : Source : Sichuan News Net - Chengdu Business Daily ] updated : [ 2007-11-27 8:27:00 ],]],,
